Walk in Love – 2024 Stewardship Campaign

Our Stewardship Campaign this year will be held during the month of October as we enter a season of giving. Our theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember the greatest gifts are when we come together in purpose and mission. When we walk in love in the same direction, we can do many things. Each week there will be a Sunday bulletin reflection talking about the way others are walking in love.
In our Episcopal liturgy our priest quotes from Ephesians 5:2 to invite the offerings to be placed on the altar. “Walk in Love”, the offertory sentence begins “As Christ love us…..”. These words are said at a pivotal moment of our liturgy as we move from the reading of and response to the Word into the sacrament of Holy Communion. When we place our gifts on the altar – we bring our whole selves and share the best part of our love and labor.
As you consider what you will share with St. Anne’s for 2025, I invite you to give thanks for the many people who have walked with you in love, supported you in your faith and shared their many gifts. Our campaign will end on Sunday, October 27th, We will bring our pledge cards to the altar and place them in a basket at the end of the service and then celebrate together during a delicious brunch.
Before you fill out your pledge card, I ask that you pray about it and discern how God is calling you to share your gifts. Please let us know if you are interested in helping with our various ministries such as Outreach, Fellowship, Pastoral Care, Hospitality, Buildings and Grounds, Fundraising, Leadership and Stewardship (just to name a few needing your willingness to help).
Walking with you in Love,
Connie Archer, Stewardship Chair
Need A Pledge Card?
Click here to print one out and mail it back to us at:
St. Anne's Episcopal Church
c/o Connie Archer
6667 Lower Macungie Rd
Trexlertown, PA 18087
Click on an individual below to learn more about their journey and how they “Walk in Love”
When is the last time you forgave yourself?
Vivian Altopp runs an educational nonprofit, Striving Together Empowering People (STEP), for young people in West Philadelphia out of her home church, Calvary St. Augustine, and is currently working on a novel on the life of the posthumously famous photographer, Vivian Maier.
What is an experience of collaboration you have had in your life that demonstrates how we combine our skills to create community?
Bismarck Maddy is a parishioner at Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento and walks in love with his beloved community of faith
What is the relationship between compassion and generosity?
Todd and Elizabeth Medd are members of Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo, ND. Through the death of their son, Liam, they established the 4-6-3 Foundation with a mission to provide resources to reduce the stigma around depression and end suicide.
How has your walk in love been changed by the love you have been shown?
Derwood Fitzgerald
Lockett thanks his church:
Our Saviour, Akron, Ohio,
for demonstrating the
Grace of God – truly
showing how it is
manifested. “I remain
completely astounded by
their love and largesse!”
Other Ways to Help
Not quite convinced, but still want to help?
Check out this page for ways to make a
one-time contribution, donate much-needed
food and clothing items, sign up to volunteer
your time or talents, and so much more!